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IFFA - the international leading trade-fair for the meat-industry showed within 6 days how the branch provides themselves for the future. From Smart Meat Factory, packing-trends and food-safety via Clean Labelling upto the increasing demand in the meat-quality: the exhibitors replied to all the demands of the meat-processing industry and the butchery craftswork. IFFA offered to FREY the ideal platform to present new technologies and products.
1.039 companies of 49 countries presented their product-innovations to the trade-expert visitors on an exhibition-space of about 120.000 m². With more than 67.000 trade-visitors from 149 countries the IFFA recorded a Plus of 7,0 per cent of which the increasing part of visitors from abroad has been at 70 per cent.
Beneath the meat processing industry also the buthery-craftswork counts to the most important groups of visitors.
The exhibition proofed that FREY is well prepared for the complex requirements of the food-industry and offers suitable technical solutions. They presented in first stage innovative lines for the production of homestyle burgers, meatballs, croquettes, beef-sticks, Surimi, Döner and other products in the field of Convenience Food Production. Particular high interest has been shown in the continuous piston-ftuffer for raw meat products with a new generation of control in direction of Industry 4.0. All new F-LINE vacuum fillers have been presented in a unique and Hygienic Design. With their new High Speed sausage-linker-line FREY will further expand into the industrial market.
For FREY the exhibition has been fully successful. Beneath numerous sales-conclusions it was also possible to establish new contacts to international partners. Export-business is further increasing considerably.
Martin Frey
(General Manager)